Friday, November 26, 2010
Every Night I Dream You

Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Between Happy and Unhappy

When you are with me I am happy
Nobody can steal or rob my feeling
Smiling, cheerful, enjoying, merry
Entertaining uplifted relaxation..!
If you are not standing beside me
I am so unhappy, sad and worried
Just lying on my bed in lonesome
Hanging on the roof with my eyes
Let me keep my ears on your voice
Singing with you my sweet melody
I am only happy with your warm
When I am holding your hands..!
If you are absent in my blossom
My mind is shrunken into agony
I am wasting my life without you
Dying slowly in my endless worries
Even imagination of your arrival
I feel so happy and euphoric sense
Vessels of my body flowing spill out
Nurtured blood with my blissfulness
If you are not able to make me happy
Nobody can do that forever at all
That's why I am worried so much
When I am not feeling your presence
I found the real meaning of ecstasy
It is eternally resided in my heart
You can enhance it's glee day by day
Making me happy with adoring love
If you are away from me for long
I will keep on my depression so far
But my life is not living anymore
It will kill me soon in mercy death
Friday, November 5, 2010
Your Smile Makes My Life to Warm

Once I saw you in my heart
You made my mind happier
When I think and assure that
Never you leave me....ever..!
I felt happiest and highest
When I saw your shining smile
It made me healthy and happy
I could share your feelings
Glowed in your talking eyes
They are full of heavenly love
No body owns it except me
You need my love for happy
Getting free from all worries
Like a silver line in dark clouds
You made my life a paradise
Being the queen of my soul
It is my blood and heartbeat
Smile and be happy forever
It can make my life to warm
You are my dearest lovely girl
Celestial nymph down to earth