Friday, November 26, 2010
Every Night I Dream You

Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Between Happy and Unhappy

When you are with me I am happy
Nobody can steal or rob my feeling
Smiling, cheerful, enjoying, merry
Entertaining uplifted relaxation..!
If you are not standing beside me
I am so unhappy, sad and worried
Just lying on my bed in lonesome
Hanging on the roof with my eyes
Let me keep my ears on your voice
Singing with you my sweet melody
I am only happy with your warm
When I am holding your hands..!
If you are absent in my blossom
My mind is shrunken into agony
I am wasting my life without you
Dying slowly in my endless worries
Even imagination of your arrival
I feel so happy and euphoric sense
Vessels of my body flowing spill out
Nurtured blood with my blissfulness
If you are not able to make me happy
Nobody can do that forever at all
That's why I am worried so much
When I am not feeling your presence
I found the real meaning of ecstasy
It is eternally resided in my heart
You can enhance it's glee day by day
Making me happy with adoring love
If you are away from me for long
I will keep on my depression so far
But my life is not living anymore
It will kill me soon in mercy death
Friday, November 5, 2010
Your Smile Makes My Life to Warm

Once I saw you in my heart
You made my mind happier
When I think and assure that
Never you leave me....ever..!
I felt happiest and highest
When I saw your shining smile
It made me healthy and happy
I could share your feelings
Glowed in your talking eyes
They are full of heavenly love
No body owns it except me
You need my love for happy
Getting free from all worries
Like a silver line in dark clouds
You made my life a paradise
Being the queen of my soul
It is my blood and heartbeat
Smile and be happy forever
It can make my life to warm
You are my dearest lovely girl
Celestial nymph down to earth
Thursday, September 2, 2010
It will last for centuries but until I die
For every little moment you share with me
It is all full of a glorious thoughts of love
Myself is there because of your memories
It will last for centuries but until I die
For every glisten smile you put on my face
It is all full of happiness spilled forever
My life is there because of your gladness
It will last for centuries but until I die
For every funny joke that makes me laugh
It is all full of hilarious events enjoyed
My glee is there because of your sparkle
It will last for centuries but until I die
For every romantic whisper of my name
It is all full of passionate thrilling over
My bliss is there because of your intimacy
It will last for centuries but until I die
For every time together you hold my hand
It is all full of embracing desire kindled up
My ecstasy is there because of your kindness
It will last for centuries but until I die
For every deep kiss that inspired my thirst
It is all full of euphoria clinging in mind
My craving is there because of your lips
It will last for centuries but until I die
For every erotic touch that enchants me
It is all full of delight melted into my blood
My pleasure is there because of your warm
It will last for centuries but until I die
For every divine climax that captivate me
It is all full of heavenly entrances to paradise
My zenith is there because of your serenity
It will last for centuries but until I die
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Legendary Lore of My Love

Your love gave methe birth with strong breath
When your love is kidnapped by an evil spirits
I will fight for your love in
I am the Urashima-taro waiting for divine turtle
You invited me to Dragon's paradise under sea
My mind is with slow time-cycle of your world
I want to live in your love for three hundred years
You are the Kaguya Hime found came from moon
I am a lunatic in your love wrapped by moonlight
One day even if you try to leave me on a full moon
But I will never let you go back to moon again ever
I am the Hanasaka-jiisan mining for happiness ever
Your heart is the place where I found treasure trove
That is my happiness rediscovered from your warm
My soul became richer with gain of heavenly wealth
I am the Issun-Boshi protecting your love from Ogres
My love is grown bigger and bigger by magic hammer
One day it will be become a huge mountain like
Then you will be a beautiful lake like Ashi at the bottom
I am the Kini-taro of
Superhuman golden man who wants to be a great worrier
All this strength built up in your embrace and kindness
Will keep you happy and healthy for ever in my world
I am the Netaro sleeping for three years and dreaming you
Even on a tree I will fall in asleep if I dream you smiling
When only I get your warm I will wake up from the sleep
Keep my head on your lap and kiss my lips to wake me up
You are the Tanabata found while bathing in a forest pond
I stole your robe of feathers and you can't go back to heaven
Once you leave me after find your feather robe hidden by me
I will grow a tall bamboo tree to climb to heaven to reach you
I am the Yosaku praying to Kannon for to be rich in your love
My poor soul is glittered and shined suddenly by the miracle
I was rewarded with a bundle of woven Silk cloth that is you
Because I believe in love and Kannon blessed me to be happy
Friday, August 20, 2010
My Love is Like.....!

My love is like a grain of sand
When I love you enormously
It will create a huge mountain like Everest
But I am not comfortable with what I get
I want to make a planet bigger than the Earth
My love is like a drop of water
When I love you magnificently
It will form a gigantic river like
But I am not contented with what I give
I want to make an ocean larger than pacific sea
When I love you magnificently
It will compose a nice melody like Titanic
But I am not cheerful with what I have
I want to make a sonata better than Beethoven
My love is like only one word
When I love you so wonderfully
It will write a large book like Odyssey
But I am not delightful with what I know
I want to make a library superior than congress
My love is like a single brick
When I love you marvelously
It will build a beautiful palace like Tajmahal
But I am not satisfied what I can make
I want to make a city higher than
When I love you brilliantly
It will grow into a huge tree like Redwood
But I am not blissful with what I feel
I want to make a forest greater than Amazon
My love is like a shiny star
When I love you immensely
It will form a galaxy like Milky Way
But I am not peaceful with what I create
I want to make a universe brighter than almighty
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Your Love in Five Planes in My Life

I am bound in effect with you physically
Your body is well-matched with mine
That's why I always like to be in touch
It knows what my body needs to undergo
Then it gives the heavenly warm to me
So I love to be in your embrace forever
I uphold our affiliation in physical plane
I am honestly depending on you sexually
Your intimacy is compatible to my desire
That's the reason for always I am satisfied
You realize divine gate of reaching climax
Then it guides us to wonderful sensuality
So I love to be in your pleasure forever
I espouse our engagement in sexual plane
Sincerely I am attached to you mentally
Your mind is well-suited with my mind
That's because always I think about you
It knows what my mind hopes and feels
Then it fulfills the expectations remained
So I love to be in your kindness forever
I defend our association in mental plane
I am genuinely adhered to you emotionally
You are complementing to my happiness
That's why I always seek your empathy
Your heart is full of blood in pure adoring
Then it accomplishes all romances in life
So I love to be in your compassion forever
I sustain our unification in emotional plane