I am bound in effect with you physically
Your body is well-matched with mine
That's why I always like to be in touch
It knows what my body needs to undergo
Then it gives the heavenly warm to me
So I love to be in your embrace forever
I uphold our affiliation in physical plane
I am honestly depending on you sexually
Your intimacy is compatible to my desire
That's the reason for always I am satisfied
You realize divine gate of reaching climax
Then it guides us to wonderful sensuality
So I love to be in your pleasure forever
I espouse our engagement in sexual plane
Sincerely I am attached to you mentally
Your mind is well-suited with my mind
That's because always I think about you
It knows what my mind hopes and feels
Then it fulfills the expectations remained
So I love to be in your kindness forever
I defend our association in mental plane
I am genuinely adhered to you emotionally
You are complementing to my happiness
That's why I always seek your empathy
Your heart is full of blood in pure adoring
Then it accomplishes all romances in life
So I love to be in your compassion forever
I sustain our unification in emotional plane
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