Have you decided to come to this side?
Or are you on the fence....? Indecisive..!
We have two sides to go in our lives
Either this or that side....one of them
When it comes to impossible........!
What would you do? When will you go?
You have already faced to my side..!!
Is stepping out from other side difficult?
You are in the middle of the pathway
I suppose you cannot go back again
Then you have to crossover the bridge..!!!
I was always in a dilemma in my life
Sometimes it became an ambivalent
I was confused, puzzled and destitute
I feel astray in my way to happiness
Loneliness in life was predominant
I dreamt you emerging in my heart
It was the only faith in praying soul
My body fatedly had instinct of you
I was here on this side for long time
Waiting for a fairy from heaven....!
One day I saw some one coming..!!
Wonderfully that was you my dear..!!!
My serendipity built the bridge for you
The bridge of destiny remaining for lives
It was so old and kept for years and years
I had to stare on eagerly for your coming
But it won't be a two way pathway
Once you come to me on this side
I will have to remove the bridge...!
Sorry...! There won't be a bridge..!
It will become exclusively a one way
That is to keep you on this side....!!
My love won't let you go back
I want you to live beside me....!!!
Come... and stay with me for ever
Welcome to islet of love...My dear!
Silk is the most happiest girl!!!