You saw my spirit smiling with you
It was whimpering before I met you
No one knew the reason for tears
But everyone thought that I should not
You felt my heart’s sense very well
It was cold and lifeless until your love
No one found the reason for failing
But everyone wanted it to be vital
You embraced all over my body
It was really sick before your caress
No one sees the reason for being ill
But everyone asked me to be healthy
Really there was a crying spirit
In my cold heart in my sick body
I smiled always with tears beneath
I was steady forever with hiding unwell
I stood well with painful organs inside
My life had gone halfway through
With silent and mysterious loneliness
Unbearable! Awful! Agonizing!
I thought that the summer never comes
Winter will remains forever and forever
But I liked that winter, as it is cold and dark
I was drunk and drunk...fallen on the floor
One day you came to my life as a new Sun
You became the full moon in darker night
I saw you as the brightening Venus in the sky
You colored my life with the rainbow flares
I felt my heart begun beating and sparking
Reborn with a smiling spirit in a warm heart
Living in a healthy body with harmony.....!!!
No more wasted tears left no echo of their fall
No more lonesome years blessed suffering for all
No fear of fate that brings to burden heart at all
I am so strong in your love that came so late
Which keeps our souls always fresh and alive
My dearest you created the paradise
Let me die in that holding your warm hands!!